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Tamper proof meter seal ideal for security and revenue protection

It is high time to start using new generation meter security seals which provide higher security than the decades old meter seals. The new generation seals, according to Rajesh Kumar Banka, are more robust and tamper proof. In today's smart meter digital era, meter security seals must have DPM 2D barcode or QR coded serial number for correctly reading and verifying the meter seal's serial number and logo through smart phone or barcode scanner.Read more

Tata Power-DDL joins forces with SAP and Choice Technologies to combat power theft with artificial intelligence

In a bid to curb power theft in India and give impetus to the Union Government’s UDAY scheme, SAP SE announced alliance with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd to jointly launch ‘Choice Revenue Intelligence’ solution in the country. With vast experience in Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) loss reduction, Tata Power-DDL will be the exclusive country partner and system integrator of this solution for Indian distribution companies (discoms). The announcement was made at thRead more

Tata Power-DDL collaborate with SAP and Choice Technologies to combat power theft

In a bid to curb power theft in India and give impetus to the Union Government’s UDAY scheme, SAP SE announced an alliance with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. (Tata Power-DDL) to jointly launch ‘Choice Revenue Intelligence’ solution in the country.Read more

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